Our BITE SIZE LEARNING HUBS are designed to provide a laser beam on developing specific skills, taking a deep-dive into the practical tools and techniques in short sessions
Our Bite Size Learning Hubs are available virtually and face-to-face and can be designed around your specific needs. To give you an idea of what these could look like, here are some of the Learning Hubs we have created for other customers…
Leading Change and Transition Hub
Do some of your team members appear resistant to change - constantly focused on issues and concerns? Do you sometimes wish they would come up with solutions rather than problems? Do you want to develop your team members problem-solving skill?
In this hub you will understand the 3 core coaching skills that will enable your team to better manage change, including: coaching mindset, generous listening and powerful questions. You will also have hands-on practice and create a focused action plan.
Self Awareness Hub
To help increase your self awareness we use an effective behavioural assessment tool called DiSC to build relationships and effective communication.
This will provide you with insights about your personality and behaviours, your strengths and potential development areas, as well as understanding how others may see you. Click here for more information about DiSC
Personal Resilience Hub
Until fairly recently resilience has been thought of as being able to “bounce back quickly from setbacks”, but in today’s working environment it is also about being able to “stay effective in the face of continuous demands and adversity”. Our Resilience Framework has 7 building ‘blocks’ for which we have short training session for each one, so you can mix and match to suit your specific situation and needs.
In this learning hub we cover how personal resilience enhances wellbeing and performance, and explore ways in which you can increase your current levels of resilience.
Positive Mindset Hub
In this topic we look at how you can manage your mindset to change your mood and results.
We also get you to practice strategies so you can manage your thoughts and identify the activities that help you stay resourceful and on track.
Effective Delegation Hub
When we try and do everything ourselves we are always busy and can end up being surrounded by less competent people.
This learning hub is designed to identify what is the best use of you, understand what gets in the way of you delegating and explores a delegation model that creates a culture of accountability and personal development.
Effective Prioritisation Hub
Managing your energy, not your time, is the key to achieving your top priorities.
In this learning hub you will understand what is the most important use of ‘you’ and how to lock these activities into your schedule. You will also understand your ‘prime time’ moments to tackle your most challenging activities and how to commit to planning your priorities on a weekly basis.
Successful Motivation Hub
In this learning hub we focus on how to get the most from your team by understanding the role engagement plays in bringing out the potential in others.
This includes exploring different team engagement energies and how to facilitate a shift to ‘productive energy’, and creating strategies to get buy-in from your team.
Managing Performance Hub
Without feedback things tend to carry on much as they are. Conversely, great feedback can transform performance and accelerate improvements. In this learning hub you will learn how to prepare and practice giving honest, clear and specific feedback that includes ‘positive’ and ‘improvement’ aspects; explore the power of praise; and look at what can go wrong in the conversation and how you persevere to the point of resolution.
Crucial Conversations Hub
Crucial conversations require courage and skill to get the results we want.
In this learning hub we explore what stops you having these types of conversations and what is at stake if we avoid them. To improve your skills we help you develop the right mindset and practice different ways to prepare, position and stay in the conversation.
Coaching Conversations Hub
In this learning hub we look at ways you can develop your team member’s capabilities and confidence so that they are equipped to provide you with solutions rather than problems.
To do this we explore core coaching skills including developing a coaching mindset, generous listening and powerful questions.
Mentoring Skills Hub
If businesses get this right, a mentoring programme can add significant value to an individual’s learning journey and speed up the process of development.
This learning hub supports participants to successfully understand the purpose of mentoring, the key responsibilities, and to practice the core skills to make a positive difference to each ‘mentee’ they work with.