Our PERSONAL GROWTH PROGRAMME increases personal effectiveness enabling leaders to manage themselves and ‘show-up’ in an intentional way…
What you will gain
Greater levels of self-awareness and a deep understanding of your impact on others
Adaptability in your approach and style with others so that you can engage and collaborate more effectively
Personal leadership by practicing different tools and techniques to proactively manage how you ‘show-up’ with others, maintain a positive mindset, and focus your time and energy on what really matters
Interpersonal skills to create a positive impact with others through your ability to build rapport, listen generously and ask powerful questions that lead to great solutions
A Typical Format Includes…
High impact, high participation modules based on industry recognised personal leadership models and theories, that are put into practice within and between each session
Clear personal Action Plans to implement back in the workplace
Virtual Group Learning Reviews in-between modules to facilitate reflections of personal practice and application and the sharing of insights, challenges and solutions
There is the option to incorporate one-to-one coaching to dive deeper into the priority personal leadership development areas to provide focus, solutions and disciplined practice
On-line support programme to inspire participants to apply and integrate their learning through reflective questions, recommended practice and additional resources
We also believe that the success of the Personal Growth Programme is greatly influenced by the involvement of the participants Line Manager – so we welcome the opportunity to engage with the Line Managers throughout the programme to provide and gain feedback and insights