Our LEADERSHIP GROWTH PROGRAMME is for senior to middle managers wishing to develop a ‘leadership mindset’ and the behaviours and skills to create impactful results…
What you will gain
Increased SELF-AWARENESS about how to maximise your leadership EFFECTIVENESS to deliver personal, team and organisational results
Ability to FOCUS on the important tasks that will make a DIFFERENCE
Ability to understand and ENGAGE effectively with your stakeholders to keep your relationships ON TRACK
ADEPTNESS at motivating, influencing and engaging others to get better RESULTS
Act as a CATALYST for change, challenging the status quo and dealing with CONFLICT to redirect energy towards SHARED IDEALS and solutions
Know when to have the RIGHT CONVERSATIONS at the right TIME, with the right TONE
A Typical Format Includes…
Seven high IMPACT, high PARTICIPATION modules based on industry recognised leadership models and theories, that are put into practice within and between each session
Clear personal ACTION plans to implement back in the workplace
Virtual Group Learning Reviews in-between modules to facilitate REFLECTIONS of personal practice and application and the sharing of INSIGHTS, challenges and SOLUTIONS
One-to-one coaching to dive deeper into the PRIORITY leadership development areas to provide FOCUS, solutions and disciplined practice
On-line support programme to inspire participants to APPLY and INTEGRATE their learning through reflective questions, recommended practice and additional resources