A Few Customer Testimonials…
“I think predominantly that the coaching has really helped me understand who I am better, what my strengths and weaknesses are, and accepting the positive elements of that rather than focusing too much on what I can’t achieve and getting stressed out by it.
”For example, I have learned that if I focus on what I am good at and enjoy, then I can be a more productive person. This in turn has helped me delegate tasks and think about the skills I need in my team as well as increasing my awareness of other people, what makes them tick, and adjusting the way I interact with them according to their needs.
“I feel that I wouldn’t be as accomplished in what I do today without the coaching experience I’ve had so I would thoroughly recommend redKite’s coaching. However, I would say this on the proviso that the individual goes into the coaching with an open mind and is willing to listen, learn and in some cases change their ways, as this is critical to really gaining the full value from the experience.”
Nick Henry SST Technology
“RedKite’s leadership programme really increased my self-awareness and gave me a much better picture of how others perceive me.
”Before I went through the programme I was quite directive but now I empower people which ironically has put me more in control as my team’s willingness and effectiveness has increased. I am a lot more inclusive and approachable now, which has made people more confident about opening up and offering some great ideas on how we can improve.
“Doing the programme with my peers was a very positive experience and brought us a lot closer together as a team. At times you could feel quite vulnerable but because everyone was going through the same thing it built up a lot of trust and created a strong bond that has stayed.”
PF, Moog
“I am always challenging myself as a leader so I welcomed the opportunity to enroll onto redKite’s leadership programme.
“I have now completed the programme and feel so much calmer as a person. I am a lot more confident when I interact with my peers and feel comfortable now to challenge back if I have a different opinion. I am also more productive and get things done quicker as I don’t get pulled into all the detail like before.
“My relationships and how I interact with my team has improved as I have learned and adopted more of a coaching style. This is a lot more productive satisfying for both parties, and my increased awareness means I can spot when someone is having an off day and do something about it.
“Jayne totally believes in what she does and always goes out of her way to help.”
CJ, Moog