As a result of the popularity with senior managers using behavioural assessment tools in their development, we are frequently asked to provide an EFFECTIVE TEAM WORKING programme for whole teams...
What your team will gain
Improved communication of team members by UNDERSTANDING what makes each other TICK
Enhanced RELATIONSHIPS by appreciating people’s different reactions and responses
Increased understanding of personal and team STRENGTHS and blind-spots - as well as equipping the team with specific tools and techniques to FOCUS on their strengths and MANAGE the blind spots
A solid foundation that is built on TRUST
Ability to work with each other to make BETTER DECISIONS
An environment that focuses on clear ACCOUNTABILITY and OWNERSHIP
Increased levels of team MORALE and ENGAGEMENT
Knowledge of how to positively RESOLVE CONFLICT
Our 4-Step Process
Step 1 - Getting to Know You
We spend time to understand your current team CONTEXT, CHALLENGES and VISION and then design a development solution designed specifically for your team.
Depending on your needs, this could be delivered virtually or face-to-face, in bite-size or full day events.
Step 3 - Effective Team Working
Armed with knowledge about what makes each team member tick, we then focus on building ACCEPTANCE and ADAPTABILITY.
ACCEPTANCE that people have different needs and ADAPTABILITY to flex our own style to meet those needs so that the team works more effectively together as a whole.
Step 2 - Building Team Awareness
To build TEAM AWARENESS we focus on creating a collective awareness of the behavioural styles of self and other team members, using the assessment tool identified to meet your needs.
Step 4 - Focusing on Results
With the focus on APPLICATION we design creative ways to sustain the focus and momentum as well as pinning down accountable ACTIONS on an individual and team level.
We also conduct team review sessions to check progress, celebrate successes and discuss challenges, as well as providing insights, resources and self/team reflection ideas.