Our FIRST LINE MANAGER PROGRAMME enables those new to management to develop a positive mindset and core skills to organise themselves and others in order to consistently deliver results…
What you will gain
Knowledge of how to up your game in terms of IMPACT and RESULTS
Increased CONFIDENCE as a First Line Manager
Higher levels of SELF-AWARENESS
Ability to create a POSITIVE impact on others through better communication and feedback
Ability to focus yourself and others on the RIGHT THINGS
Knowledge of how to effectively ENGAGE and MOTIVATE others
A Typical Format Includes…
High IMPACT, high PARTICIPATION modules based on industry recognised team leadership models and theories, that are put into practice within, and between each session
Clear personal ACTION PLANS to implement back in the workplace
Virtual Group Learning Reviews in-between modules to facilitate REFLECTIONS of personal practice and application and the sharing of INSIGHTS, challenges and SOLUTIONS
On-line support programme to inspire participants to APPLY and INTEGRATE their learning through reflective questions, recommended practice and additional resources